Thursday, January 16, 2014

Community Fun!

So last night, most of the house went to the Gobila school to have a community activity and movie night. Dr. Phillippy, Matt, and Bekah played a balloon game where the children in the room had to keep the balloons from them. According to Bekah, it was quite the workout. In the next room, Angela (a short-term missionary who lived in Burkina Faso before) and I (Sarah) gave each student a Ziploc bag with different items, such as a coloring page with colored pencils and gummy bear vitamins. In the last room, Dr. Hare, Kirsten, and Emily showed the children the importance of washing your hands with a product called Glow Germ. Put a little of the powder on your hands and shine a UV light on it. After seeing how germy your hands are, try just washing your hands with water. There will still be powder on your hands, so wash your hands with water and soap. The magic of UV light reveals that the germs are almost gone.
After an hour of the activities, the teachers organized a game that involved all the students. One student stands at the end and yells an hour of day, such as 9:00 and the others must take 9 steps. If the one student yells lunch time, the others must sprint back without getting tagged. The students loved that!
Next, we watched NARNIA! One of the teachers translated the entire movie into the local language and it was hysterical. The people rejoiced when Aslan came back to life and when he saved Peter from the White Witch. Overall,  everyone that participated seemed to have a wonderful time.

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